Forflies Crypto

Forflies Disclaimer

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By proceeding on this website you are agreeing with our full disclaimer policy. Reading our full disclaimer is required.

This is not a “signals” for you to copy and paste what we share. Trades and investments are very risky in all financial markets and you could lose some or all of your money. Trading in crypto markets is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. This means you are not covered by the same consumer protections as other investment products, and you could lose money by making these investments. You should exercise caution when deciding to invest in cryptoassets or any other markets.

The content covered in these channels are NOT to be considered as investment or trading advice.

I am NOT a financial adviser. These are only my own speculative opinions, ideas, theories, hypotheses and trade setup ideas on the market. The content posted in this channel is purely for entertainment purposes only and the information is NOT to be used or replicated by others. The technical analysis charts and trade setup ideas posted in this channel are completely speculative and do NOT guarantee any specific result or outcome. In fact, they can lead to a significant capital loss (potentially all of your initial investment capital), because trading/investing in the market is extremely high risk and it’s much easier to lose than to win!

The technical analysis and/or trade setups and videos posted in this channel (or others) have NO proven rate of accuracy and past performance is NOT indicative of future results.

Do NOT trade or invest based upon the analysis, trade setup ideas or any content posted in this channel (or other social channels by me). Information on the trades I make may not be complete or accurate. This channel does NOT provide financial advice or personalized financial/trading/investing recommendations. DO NOT make any trades or investments based upon the speculative information posted in this channel. The content posted in this channel is posted for entertainment purposes only. You must always do your own research and due diligence before investing or trading. I’ll never tell you what to do with your capital, trades or investments. I’ll also never recommend for you to buy, sell, long or short any asset, commodity, security, derivative or cryptocurrency-related instrument.

Any (perceived) form of malicious conduct will result in an instant ban. Info here is subject to change at any time and still be valid to your subscription. No refunds will be made.

I am NOT a broker. I DO NOT recommend or endorse the use of any brokerages or trading exchange platforms. Trading and/or investing in cryptocurrency and/or any related commodities/securities/derivatives/instruments is extremely HIGH RISK and you can very easily lose all of your investment capital!

You should always consult with a professional/licensed financial adviser before deciding to trade or invest in any asset, commodity, security, derivative or cryptocurrency-related instrument and never trade/invest more capital than you are willing to lose. The content posted in this channel is strictly for entertainment purposes only. I will NOT be held liable for any of your personal trading or investing decisions or any losses that you may incur if you decide to trade or invest in the market.

The content posted in this channel is strictly for entertainment purposes only!